Metro Families,
Thank you for your patience while our administration team has worked on a plan going forward for your child’s education for the remainder of the school year or until we are allowed to resume normal classes. Our primary goal is to ensure that our students are continuing their studies while maintaining relationships with fellow classmates and teachers. To achieve this goal, we are required to shift to distance learning for our kindergarten to 12th grade students beginning Friday, March 27. It will establish a new way to connect with students and deliver curriculum. Our distance learning will include a packet from your student’s teacher (more details in the FAQ’s section), and the use of the following two platforms: Abeka ProTeach and Zoom.
A strong partnership between parents and teachers will be necessary to ensure that students stay engaged in learning. Your teachers have been working hard to effectively deliver distance learning to your student. If you are feeling overwhelmed as a parent through this process, we are here to listen and assist.
We realize that transitioning to distance learning will not be comprehensive. It would be nearly impossible to duplicate what is taught each day at MCA. So not all of the classes your children were receiving will continue during this transition, but they will continue learning their core courses.
Further Expectations—
We expect trial and error getting our kids and teachers transitioned to online learning. During the first week, it could take a little longer for everyone to get the hang of it. Hang in there. We will work through this together and make the best of this difficult situation.
What this looks like for all of us—
• We will be learning and growing in these brand-new circumstances.
• We will do our best to celebrate and share successes that we find along the way.
• We will do our best to be supportive, gracious, and understanding as we work out challenges.
• We will provide the most equitable learning experience possible for all of our students.
With everyone’s help— teachers and parents, we will continue to provide connection and support for our students, so they can continue to learn and thrive academically.
In partnership,
Dewayne Coleman
Business Manager